The recipe for creating “Minor Chefs” Ingredients: Batter: 1 (small) starting point 1 space for performing, including a small space for the audience and enough sockets to plug in lights, kitchen equipment, sound system Lots of pans, cups, bowls etc. 1 oven, 1 hotplate, 1 table and 1 shelf Ingredients

https://youtu.be/K0ewiYsYwjY Preparation for our work in progress presentation at the University of Arts Târgu Mureș. We called this a “living breathing installation” and began by writing on the walls personal stories, confessions and secrets collected during our focus group work and rehearsals. The writings on the walls were intimate and voluntary

https://makeamoveproject.eu/web/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/stepancanttalk.mp4 this is stepan. he says he works for apple in ireland. he is back home to take some holiday and also destroy human society by means of a nihilist sect. here we see him talking to his mother, who is a dedicated member of the evangelical sect ETERNAL SOMETHING,
Országúton masirozom, A lábammal nagy port hajtok. Olyan nehéz maradásom, Keserves az elválásom. Nézz ki rózsám ablakidon! Ki jár kerek udvaridon? Vess utánam ëgy pillantást! Többet úgyse látjuk ëgymást. Ne sirj rózsám, ne keserëgj, Hogy a tied nem lëhetëk! Már én mostan másé vagyok, Magam válta gazda vagyok. 4. Szabad

Every work turns against its author: the poem will crush the poet, the system the philosopher, the event the man of action. Destruction awaits anyone who, answering to his vocation and fulfilling it, exerts himself within history; only the man who sacrifices every gift and talent escapes: released from his