Walking around in Targu Mures
A bike on the roof in Targu Mures. It will be difficult for this local espontaneous artist to get international attention, but I like this instalation much more than the overvalued “bike wheel” of Marcel Duchamp
A bike on the roof in Targu Mures. It will be difficult for this local espontaneous artist to get international attention, but I like this instalation much more than the overvalued “bike wheel” of Marcel Duchamp
Preparation for our work in progress presentation at the University of Arts Târgu Mureș. We called this a “living breathing installation” and began by writing on the walls personal stories, confessions and secrets collected during our focus group work and rehearsals. The writings on the walls were intimate and voluntary offerings, insights into the personal, familial and collective history. A space where stories could be revealed, read, heard and witnessed anonymously.
this is katarina talking to her brother stepan,
complaining about the increasing religious fanatism of their mother, Varvara.
this is stepan. he says he works for apple in ireland. he is back home to take some holiday and also destroy human society by means of a nihilist sect. here we see him talking to his mother, who is a dedicated member of the evangelical sect ETERNAL SOMETHING, in targu mures.
Országúton masirozom,
A lábammal nagy port hajtok.
Olyan nehéz maradásom,
Keserves az elválásom.
Nézz ki rózsám ablakidon!
Ki jár kerek udvaridon?
Vess utánam ëgy pillantást!
Többet úgyse látjuk ëgymást.
Ne sirj rózsám, ne keserëgj,
Hogy a tied nem lëhetëk!
Már én mostan másé vagyok,
Magam válta gazda vagyok.
4. Szabad élet, szabad madár,
Jaj de vig, ki szabadon jár!
Jártam ín es ëgy ideig,
Tizenkilenc esztendeig.
I’m on the highway,
With my feet I carry a big dust.
It’s so hard to stay,
My parting is bitter.
Look at my rose window!
Who walks in your round yard?
Take a look after me!
We don’t see each other any more.
Don’t cry my rose, don’t be bitter,
That I can’t be yours!
I’m different now,
I’m a changed owner.
Free life, free bird,
Alas, whoever is free!
I’ve been there for a while,
Nineteen years.
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