Lab 2
Make a Move Art Incubator Rijeka lab – Site-specific
theatre and audiences.
10th–19th September 2019, Rijeka, Croatia
Photo credit / Nicole Pschetz
After the realisation of “Galway Lab – Digital Practices” in April/May 2019 in Galway hosted by Galway Theatre Festival and facilitated by local digital media professionals where a wide range of topics in the field of digital practices were explored, we are pleased to present the “Rijeka Lab – Site-specific Theatre Practices and Audiences” as part of the project MAKE A MOVE – An Art Incubator for contemporary European non-institutionalised and independent theatre (MaM). MaM is part of the wider project “Unreal Cities”, developed under the European Capital of Culture programme – Rijeka 2020: Port of Diversity, Kitchen flagship.
“Rijeka Lab – Site-specific Theatre Practices and Audiences” is hosted in Rijeka from 10th to 19th September 2019 by the Creative Laboratory of Contemporary Theatre KRILA and it is comprised of two modules: Artistic and Business Module. The Artistic Module will focus on the exchange of different contemporary performance practices and approaches within the context of site-specific theatre. The Business Module will expand the fundraising focus topic initiated during the Galway Lab session. However, the Rijeka Lab will switch the perspective from the supply to the demand side. The element of Audience Development will be interwoven in both modules in accordance with more audience-centric perspective, within small cultural organisations and among independent artists, addressing relations between artists and audiences in the context of site-specific performances. This approach looks at audience development as multifaceted strategy that includes different aspects of any cultural work/organisation: marketing, promotion, programming, education and digital.
The “Rijeka Lab – Site-specific Theatre Practices and Audiences” Art Incubator is organised and delivered by Creative Laboratory of Contemporary Theatre KRILA
See the detailed programe of the Rijeka Lab
Photo credits / Dražen Šokčević
Artistic Module
The Artistic Module of Rijeka Lab is based on co-creation methodology and is divided in two distinctive parts:
the first part (11th-14th Sep): aims at interacting with specific sites and creating an artistic expression from it as: methodology of work, performative works, sketches, proposals or what we have not envisaged yet.
Based on what the sites can offer as creative impulses the artists will be divided into groups relating to the location’s affinities or other artistic choices. Everyone will get a historical, architectural and social information about the sites by a historian. Supportive professionals will be integrated in each group as needed it and as possible.
the second part (15th-17th Sep): aims at further developing the ideas into artistic works led by resident artists and in collaboration with 10 local and regional artists selected by the public Call in June/July 2019.
Those artistic works will be shared with local audience in the format of work-in-progress presentation on 17th September 2019. on the following locations:
Natural environment: Mills alongside the river Rječina
Public spaces: shop windows, old shopping mall rooftop (Robna kuća RI) and surrounding streets
Historical buildings: Teatro Fenice – Opera
Invited collaborators for Artistic Module
The ‘Digital Practices’ Art Incubator will be led by ‘Make a Move’ Artist Director Ivana Peranić and Galway Project Manager Dr. Máiréad Ní Chróinín. The incubator will consist of hands-on workshops and discussions led by national and international experts in the areas of digital technologies, digital marketing and audience development, project development and creative producing. These experts will include:
Fernanda Branco
Oslo based performer working in natural environments
Monica Giacomin
London based movement educator, therapist and a movement artist
Ivana Golob
Rijeka based art historian with special interest on industrial heritage
Enver Krivac
Rijeka based musician, writer and collaborator with local contemporary theatre makers
Nina Majcan Šprajc
Rijeka based location manager
Lorin Zović (G.I.S. Produkcija)
Rijeka based light and sound technicians
Since 2016 – in the frame of the project Unreal Cities – Branco and Giacomin have been developing together with Ivana Peranic a co-creation methodology called Reflective Bodies, which investigates sensorial ways to engage with the landscape and how the thinking and reflecting is done through the body. The aim of their participation in Rijeka Lab is to put in practice Reflective Bodies methodology in a natural environment in a site-specific context as well as further developing a common way to work that can be transmitted to others.
Ivana Golob will be giving historical, social and architectural inputs on the sites with the intend to spark the imagination and inspire the artists in their artistic creations. The information has also the purpose of offering a grounded knowledge of the sites to the artists as a site-specific strategy of work, based on learning about the place one visits and works on. This approach wishes to provide the artists with contextual tools, so one can relate to a place not only from the present, but also with historical references, aiming for a wider understanding and respect for the place.
Musician(s), light and sound technicians and possible other professionals will be on disposal to artists during the co-creation Lab.
Business Module
Inside of the Business Module participants will work on the process of developing an effective and competitive grant proposal and facing financial and managerial challenges after successful grant application. Experienced professionals will identify at least 5 follow-up cooperation projects among the Make a Move Art Incubator participants. Participants from more than 8 European countries (Austria, France, Croatia, Ireland, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia and Spain) will exchange their experiences and knowledge in fundraising and financial managing of their work.
Fundraising element will be led by Barbara Rovere (SLO), an experienced professional with an excellent track-record in securing project grant financing from the Creative Europe program. It will be consisted of two components: a lecture on best practices and key challenges, followed by practical team work. For the purpose of the latter the participants will be divided into groups, depending on their level of interest in applying for funding to the Creative Europe program.
Financial management element will be led by Adam Jeanes (UK), Senior Relationship Manager of Arts Council England with an extensive knowledge and experience in financial coordination of international cooperation projects inside Creative Europe program. He will summarise the EU’s financial framework and demonstrate how project managers and their partners can design, manage and report their EU project budgets effectively.
Both experts will be available for individual consultations throughout this time.
Artistic work developed during Rijeka Lab has the potential to be further developed and presented inside Rijeka 2020 the European Capital of Culture programme. Those possibilities and further developments will be discussed here from the business point of view.
Business Experts for Business Module
Barbara Rovere
Cultural Fundraiser with an excellent track-record in securing project grant financing from the Creative Europe program
Adam Jeanes
Senior Relationship Manager of Arts Council England
Audience Development Element
Audience Development element will be interwoven in both Artistic and Business Module. Through facilitated talks participants will have an opportunity to share their views on how they understand, approach and experience audiences in their artistic practice: (1) Levels of Engaging with the Audiences (2) Challenges of managing audiences in non-conventional theatre spaces.
Local and Regional Artists
In June 2019 Creative Laboratory of Contemporary Theatre KRILA held an open call for applications from artists from Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Slovenia and Serbia to join the ‘Site-specific Theatre Practices and Audiences’ co-creation lab.
The 10 artists who were selected from this open call are:
Resident Artists and Collectives
Rijeka Lab Brochure
Photo credits / Dražen Šokčević
Internal evaluators
External evaluators
Artistic Director

Ivana Peranić
Independent theatre maker from Rijeka and Make a Move project leader and manager.
Co-funders and supporters
The project is co-funded by the Creative Europe programme of the European Union.
Lab in Rijeka & “Make a Move” project are part of the Rijeka 2020 – European Capital of Culture programme, Kitchen flagship – Center for Creative Migrations.
Project activities are implemented with the financial support of: RIJEKA 2020 LLC, Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Croatia, Kultura nova Foundation, City of Rijeka, Primorje-Gorski kotar County, Austrian Cultural Forum Zagreb and Embassy of Spain in Zagreb.
The “Site-specific theatre practices and audiences” Art Incubator is made possible with the additional support of the following partners that enable us to work in their locations: