Project Partner Search for the Second Part of the MAKE A MOVE Project
Posted on February 19, 2020
Author: Make a Move

Project Partner Search

“Make a Move”: Evolving the Theatre sector in the Western Balkans through European capacity building, coproduction and networking


We are searching for additional project partners in the “Make a Move – Evolving the Theatre Sector in the Western Balkans through European capacity building, coproduction and networking” project. We will submit the project to the Call for proposals EACEA 39/2019 Cultural Cooperation Projects in the Western Balkans.

If interested in joining the project partnership, please contact us by February 24th, 2020, at the contact information provided below. Please include a short explanation of your motivation for wishing to join the project partnership.

Project goals and objectives

The project goal is to foster the evolution of the theatre sector in the Western Balkans by building capacities in the field of contemporary theatre practices and engaging in European co-production and networking activities in a way that will contribute to raising the European and international profile of Western Balkan theatre artists and institutions.

Project strategy

The project is based on co-creation labs, transnational mobility of theatre artists and theatre co-productions.

Contemporary Theatre artists from Europe and Western Balkans, selected through an international Open call, will meet repeatedly during a series of co-creation laboratories taking place in project partner countries.

During each lab session, the artists will engage in facilitated co-creation activities with the purpose of producing theatre performances that will be shown to audiences at various stages of the creative process throughout the duration of the project.

During the lab sessions, the participating artists will receive professional training on select topics, e.g. digital skills/video-projection, audience development etc.

The focus of the labs is on contemporary theatre practices, such as improvisational theatre, physical theatre, devised theatre and site-specific theatre.

The co-creation lab methodology has been tested in the context of the `Make a Move` project, selected for co-financing in the scope of the Creative Europe, European Co-operation projects 2018 call for proposals.

Key project activities

  • International Open call to artists (Europe & Western Balkans)
  • Co-creation activities (Co-creation laboratories)
  • Performances of theatre productions
  • Artwork dissemination through digital means
  • Communication & dissemination
  • Project Management

Project partner responsibilities

  • Participation in the design and production of the Open call
  • Production of 1-2 co-creation labs (one in 1st, one in 2nd half of the project)
  • Production of 1- 5 artistic performances for external audiences
  • Participation in communication and dissemination activities
  • Participation in project management activities

Project budget & project timeline

The organiser will submit the project for co-financing in the scope of the EU Creative Europe program, Call for proposals EACEA 39/2019 Cultural Cooperation Projects in the Western Balkans. The application deadline is March 17, 2020.

The project start date is January 1, 2021. The organiser envisages 36 months as the project duration. The rate of grant co-financing is 85%.

Project partnership

Current project partnerships consists of organisations from the field of theatre, representing countries Italy, Romania, and Croatia. All potential project partners must have a strong record of artistic and organizational excellence in the field of theatre.

The project lead partner is Centro Diego Fabbri Forli (Italy).

Contact information

Organisation: University of the Arts Targu Mures
Project Lead: Eugen Paseranu, PhD

About Centro Diego Fabbri Forli

The Diego Fabbri Centre (CDF) is a cultural association based in Forlì (Italy), managed by the University of Bologna, the Province of Forlì-Cesena, the Municipality of Forlì and the Association “Incontri Internazionali Diego Fabbri”.

The Centre works in collaboration with the Municipality of Forlì and is involved in the management of theatrical, cultural and youth activities. CDF is very active in promoting synergies with different subjects: initiatives with primary and secondary schools, local, national and international cultural activities, promotion of young playwrights, collaboration with local public bodies for the promotion of cultural and educational activities.

CDF is a promoter of several initiatives for spectator training and accessibility to culture and theatre for people with visual and hearing disabilities.

The CDF is involved with several EU-funded projects in the field of cultural co-operation, either as a local partner, project partner or lead partner:

  • In 2015, the CDF developed its first European project on the promotion of the new European dramaturgy, the “PopDrama” project (Creative Europe programme)
  • the exchange and training projects “Keep In Mind”, “I Can Volunteer” and the CASTLE project on the training of new professional figures in the field of theatre and film accessibility (Erasmus+ programme),
  • the Europoly project, promoting European citizenship and fighting Euro-scepticism (Europe for Citizens programme, between 2018 and 2019).


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Creative Europe Programme


Creative Laboratory of Contemporary Theatre
Galway Theatre Festival
Institute of the Arts Barcelona
The University of Arts Târgu-Mureş


Acts Laboratory for performance and practice
Moveo - Physical theatre and corporeal mime center
Platform 88
Poulpe électrique
ToTum TeaTre
Workinglifebalance Ltd.

Funders / Supporters

Rijeka 2020 European Capital of Culture
Republika Hrvatska - Ministarstvo kulture
Kultura Nova
Grad Rijeka
Galway 2020
Irish Arts Council
Ajuntament de Sitges
Galway City Council
Institut français Barcelona
Primorsko-Goranska Županija

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